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Number of pilots in contest: 4705

No. name and surname country num. of flights open score fai1_score registered info
4251 NEMREPÜLNI HOGYAN KELL [HKN2] HU FLAG Hungary 0 18.04.10 22:55 pilot details
4252 kalitka lakó kismadár [kismadar] HU FLAG Hungary 0 19.04.10 07:49 pilot details
4253 Fjöll Eyja [izland] HU FLAG Hungary 0 19.04.10 16:55 pilot details
4254 Andy Weimer [aweimer] CH FLAG Switzerland 0 19.04.10 21:20 pilot details
4255 Jeffrey Griffioen [Jeffrey] NL FLAG Netherlands 0 21.04.10 18:59 pilot details
4256 Botond Nyiri [boti] HU FLAG Hungary 0 22.04.10 19:11 pilot details
4257 laszlo szoke [szoke.laszlo] HU FLAG Hungary 0 22.04.10 20:45 pilot details
4258 Gábor Konrád [gkonrad] HU FLAG Hungary 0 24.04.10 08:17 pilot details
4259 Péter Banka [banka.p] HU FLAG Hungary 0 25.04.10 19:31 pilot details
4260 Ari Laaksonen [ari_l] FI FLAG Finland 0 26.04.10 06:05 pilot details
4261 Zoltán Hollós [nagykartya] HU FLAG Hungary 0 26.04.10 17:50 pilot details
4262 Róbert Lábodi [labodirobert] HU FLAG Hungary 0 26.04.10 18:51 pilot details
4263 Stefan van de Pas [Flygon] NL FLAG Netherlands 0 27.04.10 08:40 pilot details
4264 JAVIER OLCINA [JAVI-BUFALI] ES FLAG Spain 0 28.04.10 09:00 pilot details
4265 Edwin van Meggelen [meggelen] NL FLAG Netherlands 0 29.04.10 11:56 pilot details
4266 Pogány Gábor [pogabor] HU FLAG Hungary 0 30.04.10 11:53 pilot details
4267 Csaba Simon [streetcsaba] HU FLAG Hungary 0 01.05.10 18:23 pilot details
4268 samuel aguilera [samuel-aguilera] ES FLAG Spain 0 03.05.10 09:01 pilot details
4269 Oszkár Kiss [Oszi] HU FLAG Hungary 0 03.05.10 18:46 pilot details
4270 Sándor Róza [Sanya55] HU FLAG Hungary 0 04.05.10 17:09 pilot details
4271 Fernando Rodrigo [Fernandito] ES FLAG Spain 0 06.05.10 21:25 pilot details
4272 GÉZA TAKÁCSY [nagymagus] HU FLAG Hungary 0 08.05.10 19:10 pilot details
4273 Fredi Neuner [FlyingFred] AT FLAG Austria 0 10.05.10 12:39 pilot details
4274 Gediminas Siutilas [gadominas] LT FLAG Lithuania 0 11.05.10 16:25 pilot details
4275 Javier Ruiz-Larrea [Keniata] ES FLAG Spain 0 23.05.10 19:34 pilot details
4276 Max Krol [Maxie] NL FLAG Netherlands 0 24.05.10 10:10 pilot details
4277 David Corpas Garcia [DavidCorpas] ES FLAG Spain 0 24.05.10 19:15 pilot details
4278 Miklos Perjes [uptobase] HU FLAG Hungary 0 25.05.10 11:26 pilot details
4279 Gábor Vásárhelyi [ubi] HU FLAG Hungary 0 26.05.10 11:42 pilot details
4280 Jose Casañez [Karxe] ES FLAG Spain 0 26.05.10 17:58 pilot details
4281 Erik van Lamoen [elamoen] NL FLAG Netherlands 0 28.05.10 19:27 pilot details
4282 Dainius Golubavicius [Dainius] LT FLAG Lithuania 0 29.05.10 10:47 pilot details
4283 Luca Silvestri [siluc] IT FLAG Italy 0 29.05.10 12:13 pilot details
4284 Mindaugas Navikas [minim] LT FLAG Lithuania 0 30.05.10 18:44 pilot details
4285 Remigijus Vertelis [barmalas] LT FLAG Lithuania 0 04.06.10 15:53 pilot details
4286 Daniel Rissi [TOASTER] CZ FLAG Czech Republic 0 05.06.10 16:35 pilot details
4287 Andrea Balla [andreafalconeto] IT FLAG Italy 0 06.06.10 08:28 pilot details
4288 Donatas Adzgauskas [Donatas] LT FLAG Lithuania 0 06.06.10 14:58 pilot details
4289 Sergio Nestola [Taty] IT FLAG Italy 0 07.06.10 16:09 pilot details
4290 Ádám Orosz [azoroszadam] HU FLAG Hungary 0 07.06.10 16:36 pilot details
4291 Zsolt Oroszi [DuzniZsolti] HU FLAG Hungary 0 08.06.10 11:52 pilot details
4292 Géza Takácsy [GEZA] HU FLAG Hungary 0 09.06.10 06:10 pilot details
4293 Gábor M [MGabor13456] HU FLAG Hungary 0 11.06.10 19:21 pilot details
4294 Istvan Nagy [SkywalkG] HU FLAG Hungary 0 13.06.10 12:45 pilot details
4295 Pölöskei Örs [ors] HU FLAG Hungary 0 20.06.10 13:34 pilot details
4296 Péter Lisztóczki [Liszi] HU FLAG Hungary 0 24.06.10 13:48 pilot details
4297 Csaba Nagy [baricsabi] HU FLAG Hungary 0 26.06.10 14:53 pilot details
4298 Shafiq Rehman [srehman] PK FLAG Pakistan 0 26.06.10 16:09 pilot details
4299 paul cretton [cretton] CH FLAG Switzerland 0 28.06.10 18:24 pilot details
4300 Károly Belicza [karelovics] HU FLAG Hungary 0 30.06.10 15:47 pilot details
