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Number of pilots in contest: 4705

No. name and surname country num. of flights open score fai1_score registered info
4301 Gediminas Petruškevičius [Gediminas] LT FLAG Lithuania 0 01.07.10 18:17 pilot details
4302 Ruud van den Broek [franswa] NL FLAG Netherlands 0 02.07.10 18:58 pilot details
4303 Anita Hafdis Bjornsdottir [anitahaf] IS FLAG Iceland 0 05.07.10 12:37 pilot details
4304 Stasys Arnasius [stasixxL] LT FLAG Lithuania 0 05.07.10 19:10 pilot details
4305 Vesa Tolppa [flyvesku] FI FLAG Finland 0 06.07.10 08:09 pilot details
4306 Imre Balkó [Balko] HU FLAG Hungary 0 06.07.10 17:27 pilot details
4307 András Gyöngy [Ender] HU FLAG Hungary 0 08.07.10 13:01 pilot details
4308 Örs Pölöskei [poloskei] HU FLAG Hungary 0 10.07.10 17:39 pilot details
4309 Miklos Konczol [xcm] HU FLAG Hungary 0 11.07.10 06:45 pilot details
4310 András Feldhoffer [feldhoffera] HU FLAG Hungary 0 11.07.10 09:01 pilot details
4311 Horváth Zoltán [zoli64] HU FLAG Hungary 0 11.07.10 09:25 pilot details
4312 me wasnt [wasntme] HU FLAG Hungary 0 12.07.10 12:54 pilot details
4313 etienne benoit [tienno] CH FLAG Switzerland 0 14.07.10 16:42 pilot details
4314 Gábor Szabó [szagabas] HU FLAG Hungary 0 15.07.10 09:17 pilot details
4315 Zsolt Horváth [hunhorvath] HU FLAG Hungary 0 16.07.10 23:25 pilot details
4316 Donatas O [baubas] LT FLAG Lithuania 0 21.07.10 06:13 pilot details
4317 József Herceg [Makkmarci] HU FLAG Hungary 0 23.07.10 07:38 pilot details
4318 rolandas stonkus [rolandas] LT FLAG Lithuania 0 26.07.10 10:19 pilot details
4319 Harijs Toms [Harijs] LV FLAG Latvia 0 27.07.10 05:44 pilot details
4320 Sándor Iváncsó [sivancso] HU FLAG Hungary 0 01.08.10 19:12 pilot details
4321 Daniel Zahradka [dhouhan] CZ FLAG Czech Republic 0 13.08.10 16:46 pilot details
4322 Bálint Gilicze [gbalint] HU FLAG Hungary 0 18.08.10 14:28 pilot details
4323 Ramūnas Vaitkevičius [ramvai] LT FLAG Lithuania 0 19.08.10 19:04 pilot details
4324 SSSSI Jani [njo] HU FLAG Hungary 0 22.08.10 18:41 pilot details
4325 Vaiva Treciokaite [vaiva] LT FLAG Lithuania 0 23.08.10 11:39 pilot details
4326 Lívia Ragányi [Liv] HU FLAG Hungary 0 24.08.10 18:59 pilot details
4327 Tamás Rottler [rtom] HU FLAG Hungary 0 24.08.10 20:22 pilot details
4328 msr _ [msr] HU FLAG Hungary 0 04.09.10 19:05 pilot details
4329 Ferenc Török [tiefe66] HU FLAG Hungary 0 08.09.10 19:15 pilot details
4330 Vytautas Zlatkus [foxhunter] LT FLAG Lithuania 0 10.09.10 13:08 pilot details
4331 Lukas Svoboda [blacktiger] CZ FLAG Czech Republic 0 13.09.10 19:53 pilot details
4332 Ágica Kósáné [Wildduck] HU FLAG Hungary 0 19.09.10 11:50 pilot details
4333 Wim Hasselo [whasselo] NL FLAG Netherlands 0 21.09.10 20:02 pilot details
4334 JJ Bastion [JJBastion] AU FLAG Australia 0 23.09.10 02:10 pilot details
4335 Velő Péter [velopeter] HU FLAG Hungary 0 23.09.10 05:58 pilot details
4336 Elek Ádám [tokjajflyelek] HU FLAG Hungary 0 23.09.10 06:51 pilot details
4337 Krisztián Vincze [vkrisz] HU FLAG Hungary 0 23.09.10 08:00 pilot details
4338 Attila Radics [zsele] HU FLAG Hungary 0 02.10.10 14:49 pilot details
4339 Robair Gleitschirmschule [Robair] CH FLAG Switzerland 0 06.10.10 07:29 pilot details
4340 Paul Schmidinger [smi] AT FLAG Austria 0 08.10.10 18:42 pilot details
4341 giò falchetto [giofalchetto] CA FLAG Canada 0 09.10.10 10:41 pilot details
4342 Sigitas Puškorius [sigitas] LT FLAG Lithuania 0 18.10.10 13:25 pilot details
4343 Glenn Bachelor [Hanglider] AU FLAG Australia 0 27.10.10 10:27 pilot details
4344 Robert Blum [Jodelair] DE FLAG Germany 0 01.11.10 16:09 pilot details
4345 Jurij Fratina [Jure] SI FLAG Slovenia 0 08.11.10 15:43 pilot details
4346 Jaroslav Tvarozek [jardo] SK FLAG Slovakia 0 28.12.10 00:10 pilot details
4347 Nathan Sherwood [scubanath] AU FLAG Australia 0 01.01.11 09:53 pilot details
4348 marco de cet [cet] IT FLAG Italy 0 15.02.11 19:40 pilot details
4349 Martin Roško [martinrosko] SK FLAG Slovakia 0 30.03.11 16:00 pilot details
4350 Fernando Echechipia [Etxetxi] ES FLAG Spain 0 31.03.11 21:08 pilot details
