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Number of pilots in contest: 6886

No. name and surname country num. of flights open score fai1_score registered info
6701 Daniel Tena [danitena] ES FLAG Spain 0 12.02.13 06:55 pilot details
6702 Jaume Duran [JaumeDuran] CT FLAG Catalunya 0 14.02.13 18:16 pilot details
6703 Andrea Toresan [lubosnatelnj] IT FLAG Italy 0 14.02.13 21:52 pilot details
6704 R T Zak Hargraves [Zak] US FLAG United States 0 26.02.13 01:05 pilot details
6705 Corax Corvus [kovzsolti] HU FLAG Hungary 0 28.02.13 18:57 pilot details
6706 Kestutis Svetavicius [Hawk] LT FLAG Lithuania 0 01.03.13 22:32 pilot details
6707 Krisztián Budai [budai] HU FLAG Hungary 0 02.03.13 19:46 pilot details
6708 Ferenc Mészáros [VAS] HU FLAG Hungary 0 05.03.13 09:29 pilot details
6709 Attila Szabó [SzaboA] HU FLAG Hungary 0 07.03.13 13:18 pilot details
6710 Guro Saniola Bjerk [SANIOLA] NO FLAG Norway 0 08.03.13 16:24 pilot details
6711 Mark Carter [GrumpySmurf] CA FLAG Canada 0 12.03.13 19:44 pilot details
6712 Viktor Demők [Eupetaurus] HU FLAG Hungary 0 13.03.13 09:17 pilot details
6713 László Zvada [Zimi] HU FLAG Hungary 0 13.03.13 11:26 pilot details
6714 marek klasek [kesalk] SK FLAG Slovakia 0 16.03.13 10:10 pilot details
6715 Angel Puerta Diez [angelpuerta] ES FLAG Spain 0 16.03.13 17:03 pilot details
6716 Attila Tóth [tothates] HU FLAG Hungary 0 17.03.13 12:20 pilot details
6717 Amir Sabet [amirsabet] IR FLAG Iran, Islamic Republic of 0 25.03.13 13:48 pilot details
6718 Rimante Verbylaite [Rimantik] LT FLAG Lithuania 0 26.03.13 20:04 pilot details
6719 Alirezvan Feizy [ARF] IR FLAG Iran, Islamic Republic of 0 30.03.13 15:48 pilot details
6720 Ignacio Rodriguez Rodriguez [Igna] ES FLAG Spain 0 31.03.13 18:40 pilot details
6721 yousef Bagherzadeh [yousef] IR FLAG Iran, Islamic Republic of 0 03.04.13 14:00 pilot details
6722 Ciprian Cucerzan [cuci] RO FLAG Romania 0 05.04.13 06:21 pilot details
6723 Petr Černický [peetee.cernicky] CZ FLAG Czech Republic 0 09.04.13 18:12 pilot details
6724 Edin Suljaković [Edin] CZ FLAG Czech Republic 0 15.04.13 18:22 pilot details
6725 Takashi Matsuda [matsuda] JP FLAG Japan 0 17.04.13 03:51 pilot details
6726 Sebas Merino [sebamerino2] ES FLAG Spain 0 20.04.13 13:36 pilot details
6727 alejandro loyarte [a_loyarte] MX FLAG Mexico 0 25.04.13 21:15 pilot details
6728 hamid yasemi [hamid42] IR FLAG Iran, Islamic Republic of 0 27.04.13 09:34 pilot details
6729 Willem Coppoolse [WillemC] NL FLAG Netherlands 0 27.04.13 19:39 pilot details
6730 Mr Z [cadira3] ES FLAG Spain 0 28.04.13 18:37 pilot details
6731 Julio Rivera Armijos [riversfly] EC FLAG Ecuador 0 28.04.13 19:06 pilot details
6732 Jarosław Kubis [jarek1] PL FLAG Poland 0 05.05.13 20:22 pilot details
6733 Les Lopat [leslopat] CA FLAG Canada 0 07.05.13 22:51 pilot details
6734 Michael Schulte [Schulte] CA FLAG Canada 0 08.05.13 15:27 pilot details
6735 Jason Chychul [jchychul] CA FLAG Canada 0 09.05.13 02:03 pilot details
6736 Keith MacCullough [kmac] CA FLAG Canada 0 09.05.13 02:18 pilot details
6737 Johannes Rosner [hansbua] AT FLAG Austria 0 17.05.13 19:18 pilot details
6738 Jose Felix Hormaetxe [Rollerfelix] PV FLAG Basque Country 0 30.05.13 16:34 pilot details
6739 Simon Del Monego [sdelmonego] CH FLAG Switzerland 0 08.06.13 00:23 pilot details
6740 antonio ramos [capitanhook] ES FLAG Spain 0 16.06.13 20:25 pilot details
6741 norberto nestor MARINO [Beto] AR FLAG Argentina 0 20.06.13 11:15 pilot details
6742 Sergio González [sergiogt] ES FLAG Spain 0 14.07.13 15:58 pilot details
6743 Attila Luigics [aLuigi] HU FLAG Hungary 0 17.07.13 21:36 pilot details
6744 Petr Bryx [jerryx] CZ FLAG Czech Republic 0 21.07.13 10:43 pilot details
6745 Kevin Nemez [knemez] CA FLAG Canada 0 25.07.13 04:19 pilot details
6746 Rob Miller [rrmiller] CA FLAG Canada 0 25.07.13 19:42 pilot details
6747 luis garcia del real [elpajarolucho] ES FLAG Spain 0 06.08.13 21:18 pilot details
6748 Mark Parminter [Parm] CA FLAG Canada 0 10.08.13 14:38 pilot details
6749 Lee Segstro [ThermalAddict] CA FLAG Canada 0 10.08.13 19:10 pilot details
6750 Benedetto Lo Tufo [termicone] IT FLAG Italy 0 16.08.13 09:32 pilot details
