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Number of pilots in contest: 19892

No. name and surname country num. of flights open score fai1_score registered info
6751 yun bao [Yunbao] AU FLAG Australia 3 180.71 p. 13.11.18 00:58 pilot details
6752 Paul Yorke [PaulYorke] GB FLAG United Kingdom 1 2.95 p. 13.11.18 01:48 pilot details
6753 Tuan Cuong Huynh [namthinh15] VN FLAG Viet Nam 11 17.42 p. 13.11.18 02:15 pilot details
6754 Adam Lendi [aalendi] US FLAG United States 58 130.71 p. 13.11.18 04:00 pilot details
6755 Thierry Valleaux [taotetiti] PF FLAG French Polynesia 7 50.32 p. 13.11.18 05:02 pilot details
6756 Martin Svatoň [svatoma2] CZ FLAG Czech Republic 28 92.47 p. 13.11.18 06:25 pilot details
6757 Dan Clearwater [chucky3] NZ FLAG New Zealand 43 58.11 p. 13.11.18 06:41 pilot details
6758 bernd hohlmeier [berndhohlmeier] DE FLAG Germany 21 1176.84 p. 13.11.18 06:55 pilot details
6759 Gabry Venus [GabryVenus] IT FLAG Italy 11 532.54 p. 13.11.18 07:22 pilot details
6760 Mauro Sommer [MauroSommer] CH FLAG Switzerland 2 125.58 p. 13.11.18 07:51 pilot details
6761 James Cunliffe [JimC] GB FLAG United Kingdom 97 125.04 p. 13.11.18 09:04 pilot details
6762 Rob Lelieveld [Rob_Lelieveld] NZ FLAG New Zealand 4 33.26 p. 13.11.18 09:37 pilot details
6763 Simon Krahula [Banan] CZ FLAG Czech Republic 36 731.42 p. 13.11.18 09:47 pilot details
6764 Luka Salehar [schaltza] DE FLAG Germany 0 13.11.18 09:56 pilot details
6765 Negel Kurt Zehnder [K10der] PE FLAG Peru 8 80.94 p. 13.11.18 12:01 pilot details
6766 Juan Chaverra naranjo [Juansini] CO FLAG Colombia 47 43.85 p. 13.11.18 12:23 pilot details
6767 Soren Wiehe [SorenWiehe] ES FLAG Spain 6 331.01 p. 13.11.18 13:06 pilot details
6768 Andrea Danielli [adaniell] IT FLAG Italy 25 698.20 p. 13.11.18 13:30 pilot details
6769 Javad Dehghan [Javad.dehghan.gin] IR FLAG Iran, Islamic Republic of 14 204.78 p. 13.11.18 14:02 pilot details
6770 Thomas Rottensteiner [rottitom] AT FLAG Austria 0 13.11.18 14:41 pilot details
6771 Julian Appel [j_appel] DE FLAG Germany 7 132.89 p. 13.11.18 14:49 pilot details
6772 Gabriella Csuháné Szabó [Gabika] HU FLAG Hungary 5 31.72 p. 13.11.18 15:00 pilot details
6773 Theun-Atse de Zee [Atse] NL FLAG Netherlands 31 253.11 p. 13.11.18 16:05 pilot details
6774 THOMAS LAMASSIAUDE [powerbar82] FR FLAG France 3 76.62 p. 13.11.18 16:10 pilot details
6775 Martin Leibetseder [LeibetsederM] AT FLAG Austria 3 143.49 p. 13.11.18 16:12 pilot details
6776 Jhorman Carmona londoño [Jorman] CO FLAG Colombia 51 71.17 p. 13.11.18 16:14 pilot details
6777 Mauro Barbolini [Barbolini] IT FLAG Italy 22 122.12 p. 13.11.18 16:16 pilot details
6778 Carlos Lorentz [Caluch69] VE FLAG Venezuela 0 13.11.18 18:08 pilot details
6779 V B [vojtechBohman] CZ FLAG Czech Republic 0 13.11.18 18:32 pilot details
6780 Silvan Wasmer [WasmsiCH] CH FLAG Switzerland 5 147.38 p. 13.11.18 18:35 pilot details
6781 Nejc Okorn [nejc.okorn] SI FLAG Slovenia 4 16.28 p. 13.11.18 18:43 pilot details
6782 Ivan Garcia martinez [Ivanyecla] ES FLAG Spain 10 190.73 p. 13.11.18 19:13 pilot details
6783 Robert Eugster [Euro] CH FLAG Switzerland 6 58.11 p. 13.11.18 19:42 pilot details
6784 Mario Casani [flypingu] IT FLAG Italy 8 72.96 p. 13.11.18 21:26 pilot details
6785 Marcelo Fernández [chelofernandez] CL FLAG Chile 4 27.81 p. 13.11.18 21:31 pilot details
6786 Ahmad reza Banan [babak301] IR FLAG Iran, Islamic Republic of 2 3.38 p. 14.11.18 00:33 pilot details
6787 gladys duran [gaitatravel] CO FLAG Colombia 17 35.11 p. 14.11.18 01:45 pilot details
6788 Matteo Giuliani [MG93] IT FLAG Italy 8 326.03 p. 14.11.18 06:51 pilot details
6789 Chris Drabble [Flyinghigh.Chris] GB FLAG United Kingdom 4 110.85 p. 14.11.18 07:33 pilot details
6790 Max Denneboom [maxxware] NL FLAG Netherlands 23 159.65 p. 14.11.18 07:59 pilot details
6791 Matthews Pellegrini [Pele] CH FLAG Switzerland 5 308.67 p. 14.11.18 10:25 pilot details
6792 francesco gavardini [munchen] IT FLAG Italy 6 223.06 p. 14.11.18 10:28 pilot details
6793 Tomasz Hilger [thvega] PL FLAG Poland 50 346.48 p. 14.11.18 11:17 pilot details
6794 Davide Calamelli [DavideC23] IT FLAG Italy 21 92.65 p. 14.11.18 13:32 pilot details
6795 Vitus Auer [vitusauer] AT FLAG Austria 12 185.48 p. 14.11.18 13:51 pilot details
6796 António Freitas [Mapf] PT FLAG Portugal 54 171.26 p. 14.11.18 13:56 pilot details
6797 Florent CONSTANT [AirFlow] FR FLAG France 0 14.11.18 14:18 pilot details
6798 Andrea Porrini [andrep] IT FLAG Italy 43 148.95 p. 14.11.18 14:57 pilot details
6799 Steven Boost [sboost] CA FLAG Canada 11 251.99 p. 14.11.18 15:37 pilot details
6800 Antonio Ruta [tivolivola] IT FLAG Italy 17 440.58 p. 14.11.18 15:39 pilot details
