XContest 2008

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Number of pilots in contest: 474

No. name and surname num. of flights open score registered info
1 Urs Rölli [roelli] 7 251.04 p. 30.09.07 09:31 pilot details
2 Beat Millius [beat.millius] 7 226.00 p. 30.09.07 09:52 pilot details
3 Fredy Fischer [FredyFischer] 0 30.09.07 09:57 pilot details
4 Claudia Schweizer [Claudia] 13 235.85 p. 30.09.07 15:10 pilot details
5 Davide Cattaneo [Parabogian] 8 49.60 p. 02.10.07 07:37 pilot details
6 Jenifer van der Maas [Jackdaw] 11 68.32 p. 02.10.07 12:38 pilot details
7 Andrea Boehringer [andrea2008] 0 03.10.07 07:14 pilot details
8 Dominik Mauchle [Dominik] 9 483.99 p. 03.10.07 16:13 pilot details
9 Jon Roner [ronjon] 7 316.51 p. 03.10.07 17:12 pilot details
10 Christoph Raible [chraeie] 20 03.10.07 20:36 pilot details
11 Frederik Zwiebel [f.zwiebel] 10 238.56 p. 04.10.07 13:49 pilot details
12 Heinrich Lori [Heiri] 5 187.36 p. 04.10.07 18:36 pilot details
13 Christian Vonow [heavy] 11 115.96 p. 05.10.07 05:03 pilot details
14 Werner Berweger [w.berweger] 10 423.05 p. 05.10.07 17:14 pilot details
15 Sergio Licini [SAirJo] 7 308.15 p. 06.10.07 13:58 pilot details
16 Ueli Wampfler [WampflerU] 4 395.88 p. 06.10.07 14:12 pilot details
17 Aaron Blaser [FaiR85] 9 311.67 p. 06.10.07 17:54 pilot details
18 Pierre Eggel [Pierre] 37 260.15 p. 06.10.07 20:10 pilot details
19 Josef Büeler [JosefBueeler] 24 527.34 p. 07.10.07 15:40 pilot details
20 Ivo Blöchliger [ivovni] 20 254.58 p. 07.10.07 18:13 pilot details
21 andy mäder [garmin] 16 98.57 p. 08.10.07 18:09 pilot details
22 Marcel Dettling [mdettling] 6 773.34 p. 08.10.07 20:06 pilot details
23 Martin Wiederkehr [wiederkehr] 4 178.66 p. 09.10.07 12:59 pilot details
24 Michele Schäfer [mikyschaefer] 3 131.32 p. 10.10.07 08:34 pilot details
25 Kurt Müller [kurt.mueller] 13 420.15 p. 10.10.07 15:07 pilot details
26 Urs Estermann [freeminds] 3 124.48 p. 10.10.07 20:02 pilot details
27 Jörg Müller [mueller.joerg] 10 147.95 p. 11.10.07 18:21 pilot details
28 Claudio Vosti [vosti] 0 11.10.07 20:28 pilot details
29 Antonio Pirri [Antonio123] 1 74.59 p. 12.10.07 07:42 pilot details
30 Beat Ritzmann [beri] 26 663.71 p. 12.10.07 17:06 pilot details
31 Roger Grossenbacher [Roger] 11 12.10.07 18:31 pilot details
32 Walter Stucki [oekosoft] 5 60.46 p. 13.10.07 12:03 pilot details
33 Alex Leoni [leon] 6 13.10.07 15:24 pilot details
34 Thomas Küng [thomaskueng] 18 359.21 p. 14.10.07 07:11 pilot details
35 Hans Elmiger [hanselm] 10 112.21 p. 14.10.07 16:12 pilot details
36 Peter Deflorin [deflo214] 4 420.84 p. 14.10.07 17:51 pilot details
37 Walter Hofstetter [netwho] 0 15.10.07 16:59 pilot details
38 Mauro Pestoni [mauropestoni] 4 342.72 p. 20.10.07 09:57 pilot details
39 Stefan Müller [stefan80] 8 191.72 p. 20.10.07 12:55 pilot details
40 Anton Arnold [toni] 21 229.68 p. 20.10.07 17:36 pilot details
41 roger richner [rori] 10 322.47 p. 20.10.07 18:13 pilot details
42 Wolf Kraft [Iceman] 7 495.20 p. 21.10.07 14:13 pilot details
43 Tony Marty [atmarty] 10 21.10.07 18:43 pilot details
44 Armin Walder [mine] 21 393.18 p. 22.10.07 15:26 pilot details
45 Alexandre Hugonnaud [airfly] 12 334.70 p. 23.10.07 08:04 pilot details
46 Michele Hodel [Michiti] 20 410.12 p. 24.10.07 16:11 pilot details
47 Christian Furrer [furrair] 10 97.75 p. 25.10.07 18:44 pilot details
48 Thomas Mullis [tom81] 10 151.05 p. 25.10.07 21:18 pilot details
49 Jakob Karpf [Karpf] 12 187.40 p. 26.10.07 20:12 pilot details
50 Katia Stridi [katfly] 0 29.10.07 14:00 pilot details

Explanation notes:

  • category - the highest category of the glider on which pilot has flown at least 1 flight
  • open score - sum of points of 4 best flights
  • single score - sum of the points of 4 best flights at single glider
