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Chocolate Club 100k+

The category includes all pilots who have logged at least 1 flight over 100 km. Ranking is given by the number of such flights. In the case of equal number of flights over 100k the second aspect for ranking is the longest flight of pilot.

1 km = 1 point, closed triangles are optimized as free distance over 3 turnpoints.

Prizes for winners!Club is sponsored by Chocolate Fikar.

Check out "Desperado Club"! :-) Ranking of pilots who are closest to the 100 km mark.

Nombre de libéristes marquants des points dans cette catégorie: 1136

  1. Leone Antonio Pascale [leone]
    IT 35x [max. 172.99 km]
  2. Olympio Faissol [ofaissol]
    BR 21x [max. 305.62 km]
  3. Adam Grzech [adam]
    PL 21x [max. 242.44 km]
  4. Guy PARAT [parat]
    FR 20x [max. 258.52 km]
  5. Marcin Gorayski [goray]
    PL 19x [max. 279.17 km]
  6. Damien de Baenst [damien_db]
    BE 17x [max. 225.44 km]
  7. Richard Fritz [Dietsch]
    AT 17x [max. 160.83 km]
  8. Burkhard Martens [Burki]
    DE 16x [max. 248.27 km]
  9. Benjamin Becker [Benitro]
    CH 16x [max. 215.65 km]
  10. Benjamin Staub [Flugstaub]
    CH 16x [max. 204.53 km]
  11. Otta Popovský [Vottouch]
    CZ 16x [max. 155.34 km]
  12. Thomas Blatter [tblatter]
    CH 15x [max. 232.55 km]
  13. Peter Käch [Pesche]
    CH 15x [max. 201.23 km]
  14. Boncho Zhechev [Bonboni]
    BG 14x [max. 278.45 km]
  15. Michi Müller [mimu]
    CH 14x [max. 247.32 km]
  16. Kurt Eder [Targa]
    IT 14x [max. 245.26 km]
  17. Peter Kleimann [PeterK]
    CH 14x [max. 216.66 km]
  18. Pawel Faron [bubu]
    PL 14x [max. 205.00 km]
  19. Nicole Fedele [nicole]
    IT 13x [max. 256.09 km]
  20. Dariusz Chrobak [muzyk]
    PL 13x [max. 221.90 km]
  21. Paolo Manfrin [paolinger]
    IT 13x [max. 217.53 km]
  22. Thomas Kämpfer [thomaskaempfer]
    CH 13x [max. 199.49 km]
  23. Philipp Steinger [Fippu80]
    CH 12x [max. 241.11 km]
  24. Damiano Zanocco [Damy]
    IT 12x [max. 228.22 km]
  25. Thomas Klingler [santomaso]
    CH 12x [max. 225.29 km]
  26. Hermann Raninger [HRaninger]
    AT 12x [max. 202.76 km]
  27. Wolfgang Bernhard [wolfbe]
    AT 12x [max. 202.39 km]
  28. Zio Rinaldo Vuerich [v.rinaldo]
    IT 12x [max. 171.86 km]
  29. štefan vyparina [pista]
    SK 12x [max. 137.22 km]
  30. Pierandrea Patrucco [oldkavia]
    IT 12x [max. 136.20 km]
  31. Arduino Persello [arduino]
    IT 11x [max. 278.89 km]
  32. Michael Küffer [MichaelKueffer]
    CH 11x [max. 229.41 km]
  33. Frederic Bourgault [Frederik]
    CA 11x [max. 220.57 km]
  34. Uli Straßer [Mago]
    DE 11x [max. 210.12 km]
  35. Robert Haider [rhaider]
    AT 11x [max. 200.53 km]
  36. Markus Eder [mark_eder]
    AT 10x [max. 248.02 km]
  37. Miroslav Matovic [matoni]
    SK 10x [max. 243.79 km]
  38. Jan Sterren [Sterri]
    CH 10x [max. 218.58 km]
  39. Bruno Kneubühler [brunokne]
    CH 10x [max. 210.03 km]
  40. Denes Varga [iweb]
    HU 10x [max. 209.13 km]
  41. Ion Ghilescu [ighilescu]
    MD 10x [max. 189.35 km]
  42. Petr Kouřil [Indos001]
    CZ 10x [max. 168.90 km]
  43. Andrea Kappa Cappabianca [kappa]
    IT 10x [max. 157.71 km]
  44. Loadis Alessio [baldo]
    IT 10x [max. 124.51 km]
  45. Gerald Ameseder [gerald]
    AT 9x [max. 276.67 km]
  46. Beat Zysset [flyingdog]
    CH 9x [max. 271.34 km]
  47. Emanuele Dondi [Titto]
    IT 9x [max. 244.25 km]
  48. Petr Kostrhun [Kosta]
    CZ 9x [max. 232.17 km]
  49. Michael Pohl [much]
    AT 9x [max. 229.71 km]
