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About place

Levico Terme is placed in south part of Alp on the road from Trento to Feltre (Bassano). In case of good conditions it is possible to fly to Mt. Dolada and back (over 100 km return and back). Best season is spring (April, May), in summer is area very quite freqeuntly affected by overdevelopment or thunderstorms as wonderful but in hot summer unstable Dolomiti mountains are quite nearby.

Landing place is held in the south part of city Levico Terme. Here will be situated competition office with refreshment, toilets and internet with Wi-Fi. Camping is about 3 km from landing.

Take-off Vetriolo Terme (Panarotta) is held about 15-20 minutes drive by car from Levico Terme. It was used during several competitions. There is a big parking place for cars which will be closed during the comp for gliders and pilots preparation. Opposite the parking place is coffe house with toilets. Is said the coffe house offers best chocolate in Italy :-)

More information about take-off Vetrilo Terme (Panarotta): http://www.paragliding365.com/index-p-flightarea_details_5862.html

Map with important waypoints:


Cross Country:


