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Number of pilots in contest: 22403

No. name and surname country num. of flights open score fai1_score registered info
1 Eugen Schärli [Purzellino] CH FLAG Switzerland 46 60.09 p. 29.09.19 11:01 pilot details
2 Hans Elmiger [hanselm] CH FLAG Switzerland 5 112.72 p. 29.09.19 11:13 pilot details
3 Werner Amrein [Amrein] CH FLAG Switzerland 13 404.29 p. 29.09.19 12:14 pilot details
4 Franz Altmann [fraents] AT FLAG Austria 88 570.31 p. 29.09.19 12:17 pilot details
5 Helmut Stüger [traunseeairline] AT FLAG Austria 92 189.00 p. 29.09.19 12:21 pilot details
6 Zoltán Mohola [mzes] HU FLAG Hungary 16 150.84 p. 29.09.19 12:24 pilot details
7 erik menger [Zurebomben] NL FLAG Netherlands 19 49.80 p. 16.42 p. 29.09.19 12:25 pilot details
8 Rolph de Jong [Rolph] NL FLAG Netherlands 6 30.77 p. 29.09.19 12:35 pilot details
9 Áron Csendes [csa] HU FLAG Hungary 13 229.96 p. 29.09.19 12:38 pilot details
10 Martin Morak [Martin] AT FLAG Austria 17 496.64 p. 29.09.19 12:38 pilot details
11 Heimo Novakovic [Heimo] AT FLAG Austria 180 572.60 p. 206.16 p. 29.09.19 12:41 pilot details
12 Gerhard Neuhold [gerhardneuhold] AT FLAG Austria 39 1080.06 p. 29.09.19 12:46 pilot details
13 William Bras [wbbd2] NL FLAG Netherlands 15 219.35 p. 29.09.19 12:46 pilot details
14 Paolo Manfrin [paolinger] IT FLAG Italy 66 640.73 p. 29.09.19 12:57 pilot details
15 Gyuri Donáth [donath] HU FLAG Hungary 41 1102.53 p. 29.09.19 13:00 pilot details
16 Kornél Feil [korell] HU FLAG Hungary 43 450.45 p. 29.09.19 13:15 pilot details
17 Harald Hilbinger [flyhari] AT FLAG Austria 31 852.42 p. 29.09.19 13:17 pilot details
18 Gyula Horák [horakgyuszi2] HU FLAG Hungary 84 590.30 p. 29.09.19 13:20 pilot details
19 Bernd Pammer [boomsti] AT FLAG Austria 78 321.04 p. 29.09.19 13:20 pilot details
20 Fülöp Kalácska-Nagy [philipgrand] HU FLAG Hungary 86 856.65 p. 29.09.19 13:21 pilot details
21 H.A. Potman [HenkP] NL FLAG Netherlands 18 133.27 p. 29.09.19 13:25 pilot details
22 Alexander Putz [BergfexLex] AT FLAG Austria 4 32.00 p. 29.09.19 13:34 pilot details
23 Robert Bernier [bobbernier] CA FLAG Canada 43 307.45 p. 29.09.19 13:38 pilot details
24 Ilona Lodder [Ilona] NL FLAG Netherlands 33 299.50 p. 29.09.19 13:39 pilot details
25 Thomas Pilger [Flybase.at] AT FLAG Austria 20 571.74 p. 29.09.19 13:44 pilot details
26 Peter Stadler [petersta] AT FLAG Austria 80 277.96 p. 29.09.19 13:47 pilot details
27 Zsolt Sándor [sandorzsolt] HU FLAG Hungary 6 149.65 p. 29.09.19 13:54 pilot details
28 Harco Oostdam [hcoost] NL FLAG Netherlands 20 191.11 p. 29.09.19 13:58 pilot details
29 Balázs Szatmári [szatbalazs] HU FLAG Hungary 24 475.04 p. 29.09.19 14:01 pilot details
30 Maximilian Heim [heimmaxi] AT FLAG Austria 64 776.10 p. 29.09.19 14:07 pilot details
31 Sven Bde [SvenB] NL FLAG Netherlands 44 153.34 p. 29.09.19 14:29 pilot details
32 Joanne van den Berg [Joannevdberg] NL FLAG Netherlands 10 136.65 p. 29.09.19 14:33 pilot details
33 Florian Schiller [FlorianSchiller] AT FLAG Austria 63 445.23 p. 29.09.19 14:35 pilot details
34 Horst Pruntsch [Pruntsch] AT FLAG Austria 28 134.55 p. 29.09.19 14:39 pilot details
35 Joci Budai [jocibudai] HU FLAG Hungary 25 228.38 p. 29.09.19 14:47 pilot details
36 Andre Prins [Prinand] NL FLAG Netherlands 13 245.04 p. 29.09.19 14:48 pilot details
37 Rene Weishäupl [MisterR] AT FLAG Austria 67 499.57 p. 29.09.19 14:55 pilot details
38 Philipp Ott [philippott] AT FLAG Austria 22 536.99 p. 29.09.19 15:00 pilot details
39 Christoph Müller [chrismuelli] CH FLAG Switzerland 81 480.11 p. 29.09.19 15:10 pilot details
40 Michael rosenberger-schiller [MichaelRosenberger] AT FLAG Austria 13 234.81 p. 29.09.19 15:32 pilot details
41 Franz Sailer [franky3230] AT FLAG Austria 194 1746.57 p. 29.09.19 15:33 pilot details
42 Joseph Ivan [HeyJ0e] HU FLAG Hungary 3 28.12 p. 29.09.19 15:45 pilot details
43 Maria Prieto [Maquita] CL FLAG Chile 37 101.09 p. 29.09.19 15:50 pilot details
44 Gergely Zongor [Zergely] HU FLAG Hungary 13 24.72 p. 29.09.19 15:57 pilot details
45 Jörg Bonderer [jobo] CH FLAG Switzerland 8 984.24 p. 29.09.19 16:11 pilot details
46 Tibor Lángi [motomode] HU FLAG Hungary 40 18.35 p. 29.09.19 16:13 pilot details
47 Béres István [beres.istvan] HU FLAG Hungary 0 29.09.19 16:13 pilot details
48 Harald Maier-Kern [harald.maier] AT FLAG Austria 14 99.91 p. 29.09.19 16:15 pilot details
49 Levente Huszkó [hlev80] HU FLAG Hungary 32 298.55 p. 29.09.19 16:20 pilot details
50 Reinhold Zitzenbacher [Reinhold_] AT FLAG Austria 91 429.91 p. 29.09.19 16:29 pilot details
