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Club 100k+

The category includes all pilots who have logged at least 1 flight over 100 km. Ranking is given by the number of such flights. In the case of equal number of flights over 100k the second aspect for ranking is the longest flight of pilot.

1 km = 1 point, closed triangles are optimized as free distance over 3 turnpoints.

Check out "Desperado Club"! :-) Ranking of pilots who are closest to the 100 km mark.

Number of scoring pilots in this category: 3842

  1. bernd hohlmeier [berndhohlmeier]
    DE 35x [max. 277.54 km]
  2. Christian Erne [Gligli]
    CH 33x [max. 270.27 km]
  3. Timo Leonetti [Timoleo]
    FR 32x [max. 459.08 km]
  4. Serena Ronchi [Serena]
    CH 32x [max. 316.79 km]
  5. Markus Erb [dussel]
    CH 30x [max. 207.86 km]
  6. Sebastian Benz [osimo]
    CH 29x [max. 429.71 km]
  7. Matt Henzi [climb1028]
    US 29x [max. 186.77 km]
  8. Evan Garcia [egthekilla]
    US 27x [max. 239.18 km]
  9. Yavor Plashilski [doctora]
    BG 26x [max. 443.87 km]
  10. Carlos Lopes [carloslopes]
    PT 24x [max. 291.29 km]
  11. Romain Beaugey [RomainBeaugey]
    FR 22x [max. 445.49 km]
  12. Olympio Faissol [ofaissol]
    BR 22x [max. 316.04 km]
  13. Lukas Vymetal [Luke]
    CZ 22x [max. 300.21 km]
  14. Dino Scheidegger [DinoScheidegger]
    CH 22x [max. 246.21 km]
  15. Damien de Baenst [damien_db]
    BE 22x [max. 233.71 km]
  16. Leone Antonio Pascale [leone]
    IT 22x [max. 226.96 km]
  17. Christoph Burger [cristoburger]
    DE 22x [max. 193.48 km]
  18. Cedar Wright [cedarwright]
    US 21x [max. 289.11 km]
  19. Dominik Kapica [Domin]
    PL 21x [max. 169.07 km]
  20. Bruno Bohren [Bohren]
    CH 20x [max. 220.73 km]
  21. Eusebio Soares [EusebioSoares]
    PT 19x [max. 291.78 km]
  22. Szabolcs Szalai [szabbbolcs]
    HU 19x [max. 287.85 km]
  23. Justin Puthod [Just1p]
    FR 19x [max. 274.69 km]
  24. Manuele Dondi [NotStrawman]
    IT 19x [max. 254.59 km]
  25. Andreas Malecki [pepemalecki]
    DE 19x [max. 188.60 km]
  26. Carlos Avila [1.avila.carlosl]
    US 18x [max. 382.71 km]
  27. IDRIS BIRCH [idris3601]
    GB 18x [max. 229.40 km]
  28. Chris Vuille [Chrisiboy]
    CH 18x [max. 226.93 km]
  29. Claire Garnesson [claire]
    FR 18x [max. 213.52 km]
  30. Loïc Vallat [Lolobird]
    CH 18x [max. 206.85 km]
  31. Reynald Mumenthaler [reynald]
    CH 17x [max. 462.43 km]
  32. Alex Loyarte [Alexloyarte]
    MX 17x [max. 389.91 km]
  33. Ludovic Maitre [ludovicmaitre]
    FR 17x [max. 309.78 km]
  34. Stefano Dondi [stef_dondi]
    IT 17x [max. 232.79 km]
  35. Günther Bislin [gbislin]
    CH 17x [max. 216.00 km]
  36. Martina Hauri [Yromem]
    CH 17x [max. 200.77 km]
  37. Georgi Dimov [Georgi_Dimov]
    BG 17x [max. 193.23 km]
  38. Pál Takáts [PalTakats]
    HU 16x [max. 528.03 km]
  39. Anton Atanasov [anton.xc]
    BG 16x [max. 477.76 km]
  40. Petr Ďorď [Petule]
    CZ 16x [max. 445.38 km]
  41. Pawel Bedynski [pbedyn]
    PL 16x [max. 261.98 km]
  42. Franz Sailer [franky3230]
    AT 16x [max. 244.29 km]
  43. Markus Florian 🏁 [WingKing]
    IT 16x [max. 222.40 km]
  44. Zio Rinaldo Vuerich [v.rinaldo]
    IT 16x [max. 212.24 km]
  45. Frank Spurfeld [FrankSpurfeld]
    DE 16x [max. 165.88 km]
  46. Lourival Filho [lourival]
    BR 15x [max. 315.68 km]
  47. Tasi Péter [Tasipepo]
    HU 15x [max. 300.12 km]
  48. Josh Cohn [joshcohn]
    US 15x [max. 274.25 km]
  49. ANDREI ALEPOV [bobr69]
    RU 15x [max. 247.56 km]
